Capital structure


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Press releases

Exercise of over-allotment option in Volati

2016-12-09, 17:45

Carnegie and Nordea (together “Joint Global Coordinators”) have today notified Volati AB (publ) (“Volati” or the “Company”) that the over-allotment option has been exercised in full in respect of 1,896,551 new common shares in Volati.

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First day of trading in Volati’s common and preference share on Nasdaq Stockholm

2016-11-30, 08:00

Volati AB (publ) (“Volati” or the “Company” and together with its subsidiaries the “Group”) today announces the outcome of the offer to subscribe for shares in the Company (the “Offering”) in connection with the Company’s listing of its common and preference share on Nasdaq Stockholm (the “IPO”). The Offering attracted very strong interest from both Swedish and international institutions as well as from the general public in Sweden. The Offering was substantially over-subscribed.

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Volati publishes prospectus

2016-11-18, 18:00

Volati AB (publ) (“Volati” or the “Company” and together with its subsidiaries the “Group”) announced on 14 November 2016 its intention to list the Company’s common shares and preference shares on Nasdaq Stockholm (the “IPO”), and in connection with the IPO issue approximately 19 million common shares in the Company (the “Offering”). Today, the Company publishes its prospectus for the IPO and the Offering.

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Volati intends to be listed on Nasdaq Stockholm

2016-11-14, 18:15

Volati AB (publ) (“Volati” or the “Company”) today announces its intention to launch an initial public offering (the “IPO”) and listing of the Company’s common shares and preference shares on Nasdaq Stockholm.

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Acquisition of own ordinary shares

The board of directors of Volati AB (publ) has, based on the authorisation from the annual general meeting, today on 16 May 2018 resolved that the company can acquire own ordinary shares.

The purpose of the share repurchases is to achieve flexibility to enable a more optimised capital structure.

The board of directors of Volati AB (publ) has resolved that the company can acquire a maximum of 3 000 000 own ordinary shares on Nasdaq Stockholm. The company’s holding of own ordinary shares may not at any time exceed one tenth of all shares in the company.

For further information regarding the resolution of repurchase, see Press release.

For further information regarding repurchased shares, see Nasdaq Stockholm.

Repurchased shares

Share classTypeDatePriceQuantityValue
Volati Common shares Repurchase 2019-04-25 44,825 500,000 22,412,500
Volati Common shares Repurchase 2019-04-25 44,825 500,000 22,412,500



Sustainability is an important building block in Volati’s ambition to create long-term value over time.

Annual report 2023

2023 marks Volati’s 20th anniversary.

Year-end report 2024

Volati presents Year-end report January–December 2024.

Annual report

Read about Volati’s world in our annual report

In the annual report, you can read more about Volati's value-creating business model and how we work long-term with organic development through a focus on competence and leadership. In total, we completed fiveacquisitions in 2023, which together added over SEK 600 million in annual revenue and strengthen our existing platforms through positive synergies.

Andreas Stenbäck, CEO Volati.

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